Bloody Mary TEASER….



My earliest memories were of standing on a sidewalk in the bright afternoon sun, watching the bank of windows above me. I anxiously searched for her face anticipating a chance to wave to my mother. This would be one of many times my father would drop me off on the East sidewalk, nearest the psych ward, as children under twelve were not permitted inside.

If I were lucky, she would be feeling well enough to come with him to the window to blow me a kiss. However, if she had just had shock treatments, or was having a particularly bad day, the windows would remain empty, my father would return with the car, sigh deeply as he opened my door and we would ride home together shedding silent tears.

I was far too young to understand why she was not with us, or why she was different from all the moms in our neighborhood. The ones who would make spaghettios for dinner and buy ding dongs and go to PTA meetings.

We lived in the heart of suburbia, and my father seemed as normal as the next guy, getting up and leaving for work each day, tucking me in each night. Yet at the time I didn’t realize exactly how unusual it was to have a bathtub full of blood and an ambulance in my driveway on any given night.



A quick short I wrote once upon a time. I always liked this one:



“Reach up overhead and inhale….”

Get gas, get gas. I have got to remember to get gas on the way home. I can’t forget. And while I’m at it…


I might as well go to the grocery store. Maybe I could just wrap it into one trip. If I do it right after this, I might be able to fit it in before picking up the kids from school.

“into downward facing dog.”

Oh, I need to get some dog food. Can’t forget that. They have been eating bread and peanut butter for two days. Ouch, I don’t know that I am supposed to bend like this. I really should do this more often so that I’m more flexible. It would be so good for me. I should get in really good shape. Then I could get a new dress for Danielle’s wedding. Which reminds me…

“And lower into plank pose…”

What the heck is plank pose? Anyway, I need to send a check for my nephew’s birthday. And I can’t forget to drop off a check to the kids school for their lunches. This pose is really hard, but I can feel muscles I didn’t know I had. Interesting.

“inhale and slide back into child’s pose.”

Childs pose. I like child’s pose. Not a lot of work.

“From here I want you to take a few cleansing breaths. Clear your mind.”

Clear my mind? Is she out of her mind? I have entirely too much to remember to be able to clear my mind. For instance, I need to gather all the information to submit the taxes to the accountant. I also need to make a dermatologist appointment for Shelly. I didn’t like the way her mole has changed colors. She really should stay out of the sun. If she only knew how important it is to take care of her body. Like with this yoga. I’m so proud of myself for carving out the time-

“Inhale. Deep cleansing breath.”

-to come and do something good for my body.

“and exhale out through the mouth”

This really does feel good. I should make the commitment to myself to-

“Clear the mind.”

-make it here several times a week. And water. I should start drinking a lot more water.

“Inhale. Fill your body with oxygen.”

Maybe I should take naps. Certainly vitamins. That would be so good for me.

“Exhale all your stresses away. Feel your body relax.”

I wish I could relax. It would be so nice to be able to let go and…

“be in the moment.”

Yes, that would be nice to…


-Piper Stewart 2011


Dolls and stories…


There is so much swirling around inside my head that I don’t know what to latch on to. My dolls are screaming to be made… (and all I want to make are the Halloween ones…)



I had started re-vamping a story I had stashed away, but the minute I sit here at the computer, all I seem to do is hear Katrina (from Bloody Mary).IMG_8365

I have had a lot of positive feedback from the people who have read my book, or even excerpts from it. In fact, I think from here on out, I will post the pages that don’t make the books on this blog.  Like a little teaser. I have one I’m dying to put on here already, but it would be a bit of a spoiler….

Dreaming of Europe

Just found out for sure that Europe is happening. AGAIN! So excited, so nervous, so dreading the length of the flights…. Ah well…

This time we will see Paris, then spend some time in Nice. Ahh Provence.


The Mediterranean. My very favorite place in the world. We will stay in the walled village of St. Paul de Vence, as we have in the past.



It is breathtaking, and never the same twice. Finally we will take in the beauty of Venice on a river cruise, to relax, drink wine and see the beauty of the city.



Now I just have to pick up some travel tips, language cd’s, hints from friends……
