
My kids are my biggest fans. It’s not a secret and I love them for it far more than they know. In fact, they are constantly telling friends, strangers and even teachers about my latest accomplishments. (That last little bit came with a bit of a shock as most of the kids in class were familiar with my books, which prompted said teacher to pledge to read them for himself… Ahem… Hope he likes a little steam 😉

My mornings begin an hour before my house awakes, with me stumbling desperately for the coffeemaker and soon thereafter toward my computer. The morning after I officially finished my second book, my son had left me a note to brighten my morning and push me along…


This house is loud, crazy, full of squabbles, laughter and love. It makes my days long and exhausting sometimes making sure that everyone is up, dressed, fed, driven to and from school, fed again, homework, busy evenings and loads of conversations, but it is amazing just how much I crave the crazy when it’s quiet. Like now. Granted, I get my work done, which has given me a path back to being myself, not just Supermom, but has done wonders for what my children believe they can accomplish if they try hard and dream big.